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Frontend developer

I am 31 years old and currently working as a developer in Netpower which I’ve done now for a year after leaving Visma Digital Commerce / Trollweb after 3 years as a frontend developer. These four years I have been working on the e-commerce platform Magento and done a lot of frontend of the most popular webshops in Norway, Such as Stormberg, GetInspired, BilXtra, Garnius, and a lot of other webshops.

Home automation (

Home automation is relatively new for most people, and it’s pretty cool if you ask me. The good part of it is that it isn’t that expensive either. I’m writing small articles to get you started in a hurry using the open-source platform

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Frontend development

Frontend development can be anything from weird to fun and challenging. I’m getting tasks from clients that are sometimes a puzzle to solve. This is a section I will share some of my black magic solutions that can perhaps be handy for you and your projects.

– Stay tuned –
